Tuesday 11 March 2014

Tips for end of the tax year

With the end of the current tax year drawing near, now is the time to take action to ensure you make the most of the 2013/14 allowances and know the changes taking place for 2014/15.

Firstly, if you have savings make sure you use your full ISA allowance – the current limit is £11,520 and £3,720 for a Junior ISA. If you don’t use it by April 5th you lose it. So if you think you might not have used your full allowance for this year but would like to, then get in touch and we can let you know.

Secondly, review your pension arrangements. From 6th April 2014, the Government is reducing the Pension Lifetime Allowance from £1.5m to £1.25m. If you have built up a significant pension pot and think you may be affected by this, have a chat to us about applying for Fixed Protection 2014 in which you maintain a Lifetime Allowance of £1.5m.

In addition, the annual pension allowance is reducing from £50,000 to £40,000. This includes payments you make, payments from your employer or other third parties such as family members. You can potentially carry forward any unused allowances from the previous 3 tax years.

You can also start pension contributions for your children /grandchildren. They’ll get tax relief added at the basic rate but this won’t affect your own tax bill. If they’ve no income, you can pay in up to £2,880 a year which becomes £3,600 with tax relief.

From 6th April, the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) threshold rises from £10,600 to £10,900 and both husband and wife have their own allowance.

Now can also be a good time to get your other affairs in order, for example, ensure you have an up-to-date Will or review your IHT situation. The IHT threshold remains frozen at £325,000 for the third year running and will remain there until April 2018.

If you would like to have a chat about any of the points mentioned, please give us a ring on 0845 331 2604 or drop us an email at info@lotusifa.co.uk.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Child Trust Fund to Junior ISA

At the end of 2013, the government announced that from April 2015 parents will be able to transfer cash from a Child Trust Fund (CTF) to a junior ISA where it can benefit from better returns and lower charges.

In the meantime until April 2015, if you have a Child Trust Fund check the current interest rate and move to alternative provider if they offer a better rate.